2 Tree Trimming Mistakes to Avoid

2 Tree Trimming Mistakes to Avoid

6 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Besides adding an aesthetic appeal to your yard, well-maintained trees offer great shade and can even boost the value of your home. And while there are numerous tree maintenance tips, very few match up to the benefits of proper trimming.

Trimming gives the tree better access to sunlight, increases its growth rate, and allows you to identify diseases in their early stages. As such, you should always make sure to avoid the following tree trimming mistakes.

DIY Tree Trimming

Trimming trees by yourself may sound like a cheaper and more convenient option, but it poses more dangers than you imagine. In fact, tree trimming was ranked among the most dangerous tasks for the average homeowner. And it only gets worse for someone who has little knowledge about this job.

For starters, trimming involves the use of sharp tools at an elevated height. The job requires precise coordination skills, expertise, adequate safety gear, and equipment. Otherwise, you risk causing accidents that could injure you and even damage the tree.

Furthermore, the little knowledge you might have isn't enough to distinguish rotten branches from healthy ones. As such, placing all your weight on a rotten branch could cause severe harm to you and your property.

Also, poor tree trimming compromises the health of your tree. It can sometimes weaken the tree and make it a hazard in case of strong wind.

Thankfully, tree trimming experts have the skills, expertise, and proper tools for the job. They are highly trained on safety precautions, hence minimal chances of accidents. You can also trust them to care for your trees and identify any budding issues before it's too late. 

Wrong Timing

Some homeowners may have some knowledge about tree trimming but don't understand some fine details that go into the job. In fact, if the trimming timing is off, you risk losing the tree altogether if you decide to trim it.

For example, trimming a stressed tree (especially in the dry seasons) is often a terrible idea. A stressed tree is more vulnerable to pests and diseases, so a trim might only expose it to even more dangers.

Also, too much of a good thing does more harm than good. Excessive pruning limits the tree's productivity and ruins its aesthetics. So if you trim your trees more a short time after you last did, you might inadvertently hinder them from thriving.

The frequency of tree trimming depends on a range of factors, including:

  • The tree size
  • Age of the tree
  • The health of the tree

Again, it helps to seek advice from certified tree care experts. These professionals can advise on the ideal trimming schedule for your trees based on the above factors. 

The time, energy, and effort you put into tree care determine its shape, strength, and appearance. It also dictates how long the tree will serve you. Avoid the above tree trimming mistakes to improve your trees' health, shape, and aesthetics. Look into tree services near you.

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The Key To Ensuring Tree Roots Don't Cause Damage

Trees are a must-have in the garden. They provide shade, filter pollution out of the air, and provide great beauty as the grown and change over time. However, tree roots do plenty of damage if left unchecked. They can grow great distances from the base of the tree and may puncture plumbing pipes, pool walls, and even interfere with house foundations. Therefore, when it comes to trees, it is important to consider the impact of their roots, both when you plant a tree and also when you arrange an annual inspection from your local tree service. This website helps you to identify if tree roots are causing a problem so that you can get the issue addressed quickly before major damage is done.
