How to Convert a Tree Stump Into Something Beautiful

How to Convert a Tree Stump Into Something Beautiful

22 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Tree removal doesn't always mean that the entirety of the tree is gone forever. You can be left with stumps of varying heights. Sure, you have the option of having this dug out of the soil (along with the tree's root system), but there can be some practical and aesthetic benefits to leaving the stump where it is. But what can you do with it? If you're stumped for ideas, there are a few ways to turn that tree stump into a truly unique garden feature.

Short Stumps

When the remaining stump is not particularly high, you have a couple of great options. You could use it as a platform for other plants, simply placing potted plants on the flat top of the stump where they'll receive maximum sunlight and will flourish (be sure to choose plants that thrive on a lot of sun). Use heavy terracotta pots and put a layer of gravel into the pot before you add soil. The gravel will weigh the pot down to prevent it from being knocked over in strong winds (while promoting drainage). Alternatively, you could use the stump as the basis for a practical feature by attaching a suitably-sized square of wood to its top, creating a garden table. Make sure the wood has been UV treated for extra durability, and it will need to be bolted to the stump so that the table is sufficiently sturdy.

Medium Stumps

A stump of medium height can be transformed with another plant. There are a number of climbing plants that are well-suited to Australian conditions. Simply plant one of your choosing at the base of the stump and wait for it to cover its new frame. You will keep the distinctive shape of the stump, but it will be covered in flowering beauty.

Tall Stumps

Sometimes tree lopping will leave you with a stump that's essentially only temporary, as in the tree will eventually rebound. In the interim, you're left with a tall stump that will be lacking in foliage. There's little you can do to speed up the process of regeneration, but you can put that tall stump to good use. Consider native birds that might have lost a potential nesting site, and install nesting boxes at the top of the tree. You might not have the colour and life of the tree's natural growth (for the moment, anyway), but you can still encourage feathered colour and life.

A tree stump in your backyard can easily be transformed into something beautiful and even useful.

To learn more about what to do after tree lopping, contact a tree service.

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The Key To Ensuring Tree Roots Don't Cause Damage

Trees are a must-have in the garden. They provide shade, filter pollution out of the air, and provide great beauty as the grown and change over time. However, tree roots do plenty of damage if left unchecked. They can grow great distances from the base of the tree and may puncture plumbing pipes, pool walls, and even interfere with house foundations. Therefore, when it comes to trees, it is important to consider the impact of their roots, both when you plant a tree and also when you arrange an annual inspection from your local tree service. This website helps you to identify if tree roots are causing a problem so that you can get the issue addressed quickly before major damage is done.
